August 11, 2008

It's About Time...

I finally did it! After almost six years working for the election office, I turned in my letter of resignation! I was shaking the whole time and I really felt like I was going to be sick but I made it through the meeting. My boss was very understanding. He told me it was really difficult timing, but if he were put in the same position he would do the same thing.
I will be taking 18 credit hours at school fall semester and 15 in the spring. I start my internship with America First in September and I'm really excited about that. I'll also be working (hopefully) as a server in my friend's restuarant a couple nights a week so I can make enough money to pay my bills and possibly my last two semesters of school.
I'm really nervous about leaving, I've been here for almost six years and the change came very suddenly and is really scary. But, I really feel like it is a good time to move on despite the fact that it's right before a Presidential Election. I'm very unsure about everything right now, but I am trusting that I will be taken care of :)
Thanks, mom and dad, for supporting me in this decision and helping through it!

And now I'm crying... dang it!


Janel said...

I can understand that feeling. I felt like that when I turned in my resignation from the library. Don't worry. Good things are going to happen to you!

dena said...

Finally leaving that job, and you're crying? I thought you'd be turning cartwheels!!!

You'll do great things...with America First and especially your photography!

Coul and Kelse Rich said...

Lisa.....way Cute blog!! I hope you don't mind if I put it on mine!! Kelse (Cragun) Rich