June 14, 2008

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Ok, mom, this one's for you. You have to admit that every once in a while you forget something, like when you walk into a room needing to either do or find something and totally forget why you walked into the room in the first place. I actually think we all do this from time to time. I've been finding myself doing things like this more often lately...
I work on the first floor in my building, but the employee parking is on the third level. As mentioned in an earlier post, I started taking the stairs down in order to maybe use a few extra calories every day. The other day I was walking down the stairs, thinking about something that must have been serious, although I don't even remember what it was, and suddenly I found myself at the bottom. That's right, I had been thinking so intensely about something and overshot my floor! I looked at the basement door, hung my head, turned around, and proceeded to walk up to the first floor where my office is. Wow... I never thought it would happen to me! Especially at such a young age... tragic!


MKG said...

You THINK tragic! I was going to depend on YOU when I really get old and senile! Now, what will become of me??? Love, MKG

Joann said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!! I am laughing so hard because I can't wait until you have kids. You can't even make it down the hall before forgetting what your purpose was! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

Tiff said...

haha Nice! I always knew you were a bit spacey! LOL